Everything in art https://everythinginart.com The complete art, craft and art advisory online portal Thu, 16 Jun 2022 09:09:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Comment vendre sur Etsy webinaire https://everythinginart.com/comment-vendre-sur-etsy/ https://everythinginart.com/comment-vendre-sur-etsy/#respond Sun, 22 Mar 2020 08:09:02 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=32108 Comment vendre sur Etsy webinaire

Apprenez à vendre sur Etsy avec un vendeur expérimenté

Comment vendre sur Etsy: un tutoriel en ligne pour apprendre  toutes les fonctionnalités d’Etsy

Le webinaire “Comment vendre sur Etsy” est un tutoriel éducatif que j’ai créé pour les débutants qui ont besoin d’acquerir des connaissances a propos des ventes et du marketing d’une boutique Etsy. Dans cet article, vous trouverez des informations détaillées a propos de ce webinaire. Ce tutoriel est disponible par rencontre individuelle en ligne. Lisez cet article pour en savoir plus.

Comment vendre sur Etsy

Comment vendre sur Etsy

Quelques mots a propos du formateur…

Je m’appelle Giannis Dendrinos. J’ai 41 ans et j’habite à Athènes, en Grèce. Je suis un artiste professionnel depuis 20 ans. Je fais de la sculpture sur metal et j’ai participé a des expostions dans de nombreuses galeries d’art en Grèce et en Californie. Je réalise la promotion et les ventes de mes sculptures en ligne depuis 8 ans, via Etsy, Saatchiart et de nombreuses autres plateformes de vente. J’ai organisé les sites web de nombreux créateurs. En même temps, j’ai créé ce tutoriel pour apprendre a créer une boutique Etsy réussie. Ayant travaillé avec de nombreux artisans, j’ai l’expérience pour vous former selon vos besoins à la création d’une boutique Etsy réussie.

How to sell on Etsy online classes

Comment vendre sur Etsy webinaire

Comment se déroulent les cours en ligne?

Le webinaire “Comment vendre sur Etsy” est idéal pour tout artiste indépendant ou artisan qui souhaite vendre en ligne. Nous prendrons rendez-vous pour des cours qui durent 3 heures. La durée totale du cours en ligne est de 12 heures et doit être complétée sur 2 semaines. Nous utilisons un outil de contact standard tel que viber ou skype.


En quoi consiste ce cours en ligne?

Comment vendre sur Etsy

Comment vendre sur Etsy

Ce webinaire se compose de 3 parties principales.

Dans la première partie, je vais vous montrer comment fonctionne le moteur de recherche Google, les outils SEO (L’optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche) et comment vous pouvez affecter vos ventes en profitant de ces outils.

Dans la deuxième partie, je vais vous montrer toutes les fonctionnalités d’une boutique Etsy.

Dans la troisième partie, vous aurez l’opportunité d’apprendre à promouvoir vos produits via les réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, Instagram, Youtube et Pinterest.


Prix du webinaire “Comment vendre sur Etsy”

Le coût de ce cours en ligne est de 200 euros et comprend 12 heures au total de cours en direct.

La reservation des cours se fait en fonction de votre emploi du temps.

La plupart des gens participent généralement à 4 cours de 3 heures.

Le cours doit être terminé dans un delai de 2 semaines.

Achetez ce cours en ligne !



Pour plus d’informations ou pour réserver un cours

Vous pouvez me joindre par e-mail: dendrinosyan@hotmail.com

ou par telephone: +306939832608

Trouvez-moi sur Facebook


Dans ce cours en ligne, vous apprendrez les notions suivantes:

1. L’ouverture d’une boutique

Je vais vous guider à travers l’ouverture de la boutique en ligne et comment remplir tous les détails. Étape par étape, nous compléterons et téléchargerons toutes les données nécessaires pour ouvrir votre boutique Etsy.

2. Tableau de bord et menu de la boutique Etsy

Dans cette section, je vais vous guider, étape par étape, sur la façon de gérer toutes les fonctions du menu et ce que chaque fonction sert afin de vous fournir une connaissance complète de toutes les fonctionnalités de la plate-forme Etsy.

3. La page d’accueil et affichage de votre magasin

Cette section couvre l’ensemble du processus de modification de la page d’accueil de votre boutique Etsy. Je vous montrerai comment remplir tous les champs sur toutes les pages afin que vous ayez l’aspect professionnel dont vous avez besoin. De l’emplacement des bannières, de la façon dont nous traitons les photos dans un programme de retouche photo, a tout remplissage de texte de chaque champs requis.

4. Le placement de produit

Dans ce tutoriel d’apprentissage Etsy, je vais vous montrer étape par étape comment nous téléchargeons des produits à partir de photos, le placement du produit, le sous-titrage, lesdescriptions, les données d’expédition, la personnalisation de l’affichage, la génération de mots-clés. Le but de cette leçon n’est pas seulement de télécharger des produits, mais de les configurer de manière compétitive pour apparaître dans les moteurs de recherche. De plus, vous apprendrais:

Création de catégories

Création de pages de produits personnalisées

Création de règles d’expédition

Gestion de stock

Création de plusieurs versions pour un produit

5. L’edition de produits en groupe

Ce chapitre couvre le traitement groupé des produits et leur classement en fonction de différents critères. En fonction des frais de port, des prix, des catégories, de copie et traitement des données sur les produits. Il s’agit d’une section qui vous apprend à accélérer l’ensemble du processus d’édition pour gagner un temps considérable.

6. La gestion des finances

Dans ce chapitre, je vous montrerai comment nous modifions les informations de paiement, comment vous pouvez afficher vos informations de facturation et vos informations financières générales.

7. Conditions d’utilisation et politique de remboursement
8. Communication et commande
9. Gestion des données statistiques
10. Outils marketing importants

Dans cette section, je vais vous apprendre, étape par étape, comment promouvoir un produit en configurant le bon référencement pour vos pages de produits, comment utiliser efficacement les médias sociaux pour promouvoir vos œuvres d’art.

Des informations gratuites a propos des ventes sur Etsy (sur le site d’Etsy)

Manuel du vendeur sur le site d’Etsy


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How to sell on Etsy online classes https://everythinginart.com/how-to-sell-on-etsy-online-classes/ https://everythinginart.com/how-to-sell-on-etsy-online-classes/#respond Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:33:45 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=32076 How to sell on Etsy online classes

Learn how to sell on Etsy with an experienced seller

How to sell on Etsy : an online tutorial to learn all the features about Etsy

“How to sell on Etsy online classes” is an educational tutorial I created for beginners on opening an Etsy shop. In this article you will find detailed information on what my Etsy shop training is offering. The training is delivered either individually real-time online or by watching videos that you will download. Learn more below.

How to sell on Etsy online classes

How to sell on Etsy online classes

A few words about the trainer…

My name is Giannis Dendrinos. I’m 41 years-old and I live in Athens, Greece. I have been a professional artist for the past 20 years working as a sculptor with many art galleries in Greece and California. I have been promoting my art sculptures online for the last 8 years, through Etsy, Saatchiart and many other selling platforms. I have curated the websites of many creators. At the same time I have created a tutorial on how to create a successful Etsy shop. Having worked with many craftsmen, I have the experience to train you according to your needs on how to set-up a successful Etsy shop.

How to sell on Etsy online classes

How to sell on Etsy online classes

How are the online classes taking place?

The “How to sell on Etsy online classes” is ideal for any freelance artisan, artist or craftsman that wishes to sell online. We will make an appointment on 3 hours lessons that will take place within 2 weeks. The total time of the on-line course is 12 hours and has to be completed over 2 weeks. We use a standard contact tool such as viber or skype.


What does the online class consist of?

The online classes consists of 3 main parts.

In the first part, I will show you how Google search engine works, the SEO tools and how you can affect your sales by taking advantage of these tools.

In the second part, I will show you all the features of an Etsy shop.

In the third part, you will have the opportunity to learn how to promote your products through social media.


Pricing of the “How to sell on Etsy online classes”

The cost of this on-line course is 200 euros including 12 hours of live classes.

The classes are booked based on your schedule.

Most of the people usually participate in 4 classes of 3 hours.

The class has to be completed within 2 weeks.

Book this online course now!


Contact me

For further information or booking a course

You can reach me by e-mail: dendrinosyan@hotmail.com

Or via telephone on: +306939832608

Find me on Facebook


In this on-line course, you will learn the following (among many others):

1. Opening a shop

I will guide you through the opening of the online store and filling in all the details. Step by step, we will complete and upload all the necessary data to open your Etsy shop.

2. Etsy shop dashboard and menu

In this section, I will give you a step-by-step guide on how to manage all the menu functions and what each funstion serves in order to provide you with a complete knowledge of all the features of the Etsy platform.

3. FrontPage and display of your store

This section covers the entire process to edit the front end of your Etsy shop. In the “How to sell on Etsy online classes”, we learn side by side how to fill in all the fields on all pages so that you have the professional look you need. From the placement of banners, how we process photos into a photo editing program, text filling and all the required fields.

4. Product placement

In this Etsy tutorial, I will show you step by step how we upload products from photos, product placement, captioning, descriptions, shipping data, display customization, keyword generation. The purpose of this lesson is not just to upload products but to be competitively set up to appear in search engines. In addition you learn:

Creating categories

Creating custom product pages

Creating shipping rules

Stock management

Creating versions for a product

5. Group products editing

This chapter covers the group processing of products and their classification based on various criteria according to the shipping cost, price, categories, copying and processing of data on the products. It is a section that teaches you how to speed up the whole editing process to save significant time.

6. Managing finances

In this chapter I show you how we change payment information, how you can view your billing details and general financial information.

7. Terms of use and refund policy

8. Communication and ordering

9. Management of statistical data

10. Important Marketing Tools

In this section, I will teach you step by step on how to promote a product by setting-up the correct SEO for your product pages, on how to use efficiently social media to promote your artworks.

Learn more about Etsy:

Etsy seller handbook


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Unique handcrafted jewelry https://everythinginart.com/unique-handcrafted-jewelry/ https://everythinginart.com/unique-handcrafted-jewelry/#respond Tue, 24 Sep 2019 10:14:57 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=31737 Unique handcrafted jewelry

Unique handcrafted jewelry made in Greece

Most people are happy with a mass-produced jewelry that has a brand. That is, they prefer the brand’s reputation over a unique handmade jewelry. For more demanding customers, you can turn your attention to detail and value of a unique handmade jewelry handcrafted by a jewel designer. The investment and value of a handmade jewelry can be just as high compared to a brand, especially when it is a young designer and jeweler who control all the processing of jewelry making from scratch to finish.

View all his artworks

Buy Austri Crux’s Jewellry in his Etsy shop

You can reach him by e-mail: austricrux@gmail.com

Why buy Greek unique handcrafted jewelry?

There are several reasons to buy handmade jewelry. Handmade jewelry such as silver jewelry of Greek designer Austri Crux  is synonymous with quality and offers an equally high level of detail in the technique compared to the classic jewelry found in a jewelry store. It might be tempting to buy cheaper something made from a machine. But on the other side, buying a unique handcrafted jewelry is like buying an original painting instead of printing a poster of a famous work of art. The poster has some aesthetic value for sure, but the original never ceases to have the artist’s particular touch.

No one wants to buy cheap jewelry. Many have had the unfortunate experience of wearing earrings on an evening out and ending up with ears itching or with a green finger because of copper’s rust that was hidden in the back side of the ring. When investing in unique handcrafted jewelry, you don’t just have the benefit of a unique investment. But you wear something that is made from scratch to the end.

https://everythinginart.com/unique-handcrafted-jewelry/feed/ 0
Modern jewellry https://everythinginart.com/modern-jewellry/ https://everythinginart.com/modern-jewellry/#respond Mon, 23 Sep 2019 08:15:46 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=31681 Modern jewellry

Modern jewellry by Greek designer Austri Crux

Modern handmade jewellry combines high aesthetics with the luxury that silver offers at affordable prices. This article introduces handmade jewellry made by young yet talented Greek designer “Austri Crux”. His modern handcrafted jewellry are of excellent design and high quality technique.

Can artistic jewellry be worn daily?

Since the 1960s the limits of goldsmiths have been constantly redefined. The conventions have been contested by successive generations of freelance creators, often trained in art institutions and inspired by radical ideas.

New technologies and non-precious materials, such as plastics, paper and textiles, have reversed the way mass-production jewellry had been perceived until then.

Avant-Garde’s artists explored the interaction of jewellry with the body, pushing the boundaries of scale and fashion to the limit. Modern goldsmiths have developed the art of jewellry to a more wearable art at the same time. The controversy over the relationship of jewellry to art is still ongoing.

Austri Crux’s jewellry is both artistic and wearable at the same time

Modern jewelry

Modern jewelry

Austri Crux is a jewellry designer that has created a collection of fashionable handmade silver jewellry. While silver is combined with luxury in our minds, the creator of these jewellry, manages to produce silver earrings, necklaces and rings that combine modern, minimal and simple with luxury and art. His inspiration originated from observing simple things in everyday life. Through a completely handmade process of the art of silver jewellry, he strives for simplicity in his designs so that they are wearable and artistic at the same time.

Modern jewelry

Modern jewelry

The modern jewellry collection he created for 2019 combines the following advantages: it is of exceptional quality as it uses genuine silver, it is hypoallergenic due to the nature of silver, it is aesthetically pleasing and fits into various fashion styles and handmade! Handmade jewelry requires huge processing time and is not comparable to modern mass-produced jewelry. Finally, it is a fashionable, handmade, artistic jewelry accessible to everyone!

View all his artworks

Buy Austri Crux’s Jewellry in his Etsy shop

You can reach him by e-mail: austricrux@gmail.com

What is art jewelry?

The artistic jewel traces its origins to the “Arts & Crafts Movement” in the mid-1850s as a result of efforts to reform the design and decoration of Great Britain in the mid-19th century. It was a reaction against industrialization and cheap-mechanical imitation of decorative elements. The people who supported the “Arts & Crafts Movement” noticed the problems created by mass production and preferred genuine and handmade artefacts.

The “Arts and Crafts movement” did not promote a particular style, but advocated reform as part of its philosophy and aroused criticism of industrial work. As modern machines replaced workers, supporters of the Arts and Crafts called for an end to the division of labor and promoted the designer as a craftsman. Thus was born modern artistic jewelry.


In Greek, jewelry is called “Kosmima” originating from Adornment

The name comes from the verb “Kosmo” which means adorn. Jewelry includes any ornament of any use and if used it is one of the first areas of folk crafts.

From prehistoric times, mankind was inspired by the goods of nature that surrounded him and chose some of them to create ornaments. Such ornaments were necklaces and rings made of shells, beautiful sea stones, bones and more. There was an impression in these early years that ornaments are a means of power, imposition, creation, appreciation by others. Men were often adorned to attract women.

Many civilizations have left plenty of jewelry. Like the Mycenaean Greece that has delivered many jewels that are distinguished for their artistic value even though they are dated to 2500 years BC.

How does silver jewelry clean?

silver polishing cloth and a little elbow grease is the easiest and fastest way to give your piece a shiny finish,” Berg said. Or wash the silver in warm water using a non-lemon mild dish detergent and a sponge or soft cloth. Dry and buff to a shine.

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Contemporary jewelry made in Greece https://everythinginart.com/contemporary-jewelry/ https://everythinginart.com/contemporary-jewelry/#respond Sun, 22 Sep 2019 07:39:32 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=31614 Contemporary jewelry by Greek artist

Introducing contemporary Greek jewelry handmade by Greek designer Autri Crux

Contemporary jewelry by Greek designer Austri Crux. A young jewelry artist based in Greece is not just dedicated to handcrafted Greek jewelry, but to unique art jewelry made of silver 925. All the jewelry he creates is of unique design, working on every piece with all his creativity. 

Austri Crux is a Greek jewelry designer that creates unique handmade jewelry.
Contemporary jewelry surrounds a diverse range of styles. Contemporary jewelry ranges from high quality silver jewelry to cheap fashion jewelry. Whilst most of jewelry artists tend to produce mass production jewelry to sell cheap, Austri Crux is a dedicated jewelry designer to unique contemporary jewelry making. Based in Athens, he creates only unique art jewelry pieces taking care of every detail in all the creation process. His jewelry can be identified as minimal, modern, sci-fi and artistic at the same time.

View all his artworks

Contemporary jewelry made in Greece

Contemporary jewelry made in Greece

Where does the word jewelry come from?

The word jewellery itself is derived from the word jewel, which was anglicised from the Old French “jouet”, and beyond that, to the Latin word “jocale”, meaning plaything.

Who wore jewelry first?

The word jewelry is an anglicized form of the Latin word, jocale which means plaything history says that about 40,000 years back, the first jewelry was worn by the Cro-Magnons, ancestors of Homo sapiens. Their jewelry included crude necklaces and bracelets made of bone, teeth and stone stitched to animal sinew.

What is contemporary jewelry?

Contemporary jewelry covers of a broad range and the possibility of finding two peoples definition of contemporary jewelry the same would be extremely rare as it is more of an opinion. Some think contemporary jewellery is a type of practice — understood as the contemporary offspring of a craft-based design activity. Others see the use of the term contemporary jewellery as a means of modern makers divorcing from the goldsmiths tradition.

Why is “Austri Crux” handmade jewelry unique?

The pieces are soldered, sawed, carved and shaped without the use of mass produced manufacturing machinery. Since there are no machines involved, handmade jewelry takes an incredible amount of time to produce just a single piece. As a designer, Austri Crux often spend hours designing a single piece of jewelry for a client. The time to make the piece often can take weeks.

Where is jewelry design inspired from? 

Austri Crux has a very close relationship with each piece or design he designs and created. The design process is of each piece is followed by his own philosophy and perception of life. Austri Crux talks about his inspirational process and says, “The way I create jewelry is by conveying an image or feeling from the ideal world to the here and now, giving a shape that I allow to evolve throughout this transformation.
These forms, or jewls, are various expressions of a the whole. The main source of my inspiration is observation. Both external and internal as well as my need to discover the whole. The whole of what I call the Self.”

Why buy handcrafted silver Greek jewelry?

In all his handcrafted jewelry, the materials involved are of best silver quality. Let us remind that it is impossible to know exactly what alloys are used in mass produced factories where dirty metals are blended together to create costume pieces. Therefore, handmade jewelry making is generally sourced from highly reputable suppliers.

The quality of his unique handcrafted jewelry is of higher quality because an artisan has the ability to track and control the process from start to finish. “Austri Crux” is extremely proud of the work he produces. He isn’t going to let something of inferior quality leave his studio with his name on it.

Remember that by buying a unique art from “Austri Crux”, except of an investment, you are supporting something even bigger. You should feel really good about your purchase knowing that you have a special piece of the artist in your jewelry collection.

View all his artworks

Visit more artworks of Austri Crux on Etsy

You can contact the artist by mailing to austricrux@gmail.com

How is jewelry made?

Jewelry casting is the process by which a wax pattern is made into a jewelry mold and then filled with molten metal or silver to create a custom piece of jewelry. Once the mold is prepared, jewelry makers will put the mold into oven until the plaster hardens.

Why is jewelry made of silver?

Uses of Silver in Jewelry and Silverware. Because it is so soft, silver must be alloyed with base metals, like copper, as in the case of sterling silver (92.5% silver, 7.5% copper). Even though it resists oxidation and corrosion, silver can tarnish, but with a little polish, it can shine for a lifetime.

Can you make jewelry out of pure silver?

Pure silver, also referred to as fine silver, has actual silver content of 99.9%. Because of its high purity, fine silver is too soft to use in jewelry making and is often mixed with other metals to make it harder.

How can I tell if my jewelry is silver?

The easiest way to test if your jewellery is really sterling silver is to get a magnet and place it next to your piece of jewellery. Metals such as gold, silver and platinum are not magnetic, so if your jewellery is attracted to the magnet, you can be sure that your piece isn’t real silver.

What was ancient Greek jewelry made out of?

Gold became primary decorative raw material, although silver, lead, bronze and various alloys were also used. Carefully crafted rings, necklaces and pendants were some of the most known jewelry types from that period.

What jewelry did ancient Greeks wear?

Greeks that were wealthy wore a lot of jewelry. Gold and gems were favorites in ancient Greece. The Greeks learned how to make jewelry with gems such as emeralds, pearls, and amethysts. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, arm bands, and thigh bands were some of the most popular types of accessories worn.

https://everythinginart.com/contemporary-jewelry/feed/ 0
Artistic and modern Greek jewelry https://everythinginart.com/greek-jewelry/ https://everythinginart.com/greek-jewelry/#respond Thu, 19 Sep 2019 12:31:35 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=31557 Artistic and modern Greek jewelry

Presenting Greek jewelry handcrafted by modern Greek designer Autri Crux

Austri Crux is a young jewelry artist based in Greece. He’s not just dedicated to handcrafted Greek jewelry, but to unique art jewelry made of silver 925. All the jewelry he creates is of unique design, working on every piece with all his creativity. If you buy his jewelry, you buy literally jewels made by hands of the artisan.


Why is “Austri Crux” handmade jewelry unique?

The pieces are soldered, sawed, carved and shaped without the use of mass produced manufacturing machinery. Since there are no machines involved, handmade jewelry takes an incredible amount of time to produce just a single piece. As a designer, Austri Crux often spend hours designing a single piece of jewelry for a client. The time to make the piece often can take weeks.


Where is jewelry design inspired from? 

Austri Crux has a very close relationship with each piece or design he designs and created. The design process is of each piece is followed by his own philosophy and perception of life. Austri Crux talks about his inspirational process and says, “The way I create jewelry is by conveying an image or feeling from the ideal world to the here and now, giving a shape that I allow to evolve throughout this transformation.
These forms, or jewls, are various expressions of a the whole. The main source of my inspiration is observation. Both external and internal as well as my need to discover the whole. The whole of what I call the Self.”


Handmade Artistic Greek jewelry by Austri Crux

Handmade Artistic Greek jewelry by Austri Crux


Why buy handcrafted silver Greek jewelry?

In all his handcrafted jewelry, the materials involved are of best silver quality. Let us remind that it is impossible to know exactly what alloys are used in mass produced factories where dirty metals are blended together to create costume pieces. Therefore, handmade jewelry making is generally sourced from highly reputable suppliers.

The quality of his unique handcrafted jewelry is of higher quality because an artisan has the ability to track and control the process from start to finish. Austri Crux is extremely proud of the work he produces. He isn’t going to let something of inferior quality leave his studio with his name on it.

Remember that by buying a unique art from Austri Crux, except of an investment, you are supporting something even bigger. You should feel really good about your purchase knowing that you have a special piece of the artist in your jewelry collection.

View all his artworks


Visit more artworks of Austri Crux on Etsy


You can contact the artist by mailing to austricrux@gmail.com


How is jewelry made?

Jewelry casting is the process by which a wax pattern is made into a jewelry mold and then filled with molten metal or silver to create a custom piece of jewelry. Once the mold is prepared, jewelry makers will put the mold into oven until the plaster hardens.

Why is jewelry made of silver?

Uses of Silver in Jewelry and Silverware. Because it is so soft, silver must be alloyed with base metals, like copper, as in the case of sterling silver (92.5% silver, 7.5% copper). Even though it resists oxidation and corrosion, silver can tarnish, but with a little polish, it can shine for a lifetime.


Can you make jewelry out of pure silver?

Pure silver, also referred to as fine silver, has actual silver content of 99.9%. Because of its high purity, fine silver is too soft to use in jewelry making and is often mixed with other metals to make it harder.

How can I tell if my jewelry is silver?

The easiest way to test if your jewellery is really sterling silver is to get a magnet and place it next to your piece of jewellery. Metals such as gold, silver and platinum are not magnetic, so if your jewellery is attracted to the magnet, you can be sure that your piece isn’t real silver.

What was ancient Greek jewelry made out of?

Gold became primary decorative raw material, although silver, lead, bronze and various alloys were also used. Carefully crafted rings, necklaces and pendants were some of the most known jewelry types from that period.

What jewelry did ancient Greeks wear?

Greeks that were wealthy wore a lot of jewelry. Gold and gems were favorites in ancient Greece. The Greeks learned how to make jewelry with gems such as emeralds, pearls, and amethysts. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, arm bands, and thigh bands were some of the most popular types of accessories worn.

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Sculptures for sale https://everythinginart.com/sculptures-for-sale/ https://everythinginart.com/sculptures-for-sale/#respond Wed, 28 Aug 2019 14:27:12 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=31191 Sculptures for sale

Buy amazing sculptures directly from a sculptor

Sculptures for sale on-line by artist Giannis Dendrinos. Multiple themes of metal art sculptures available on Everything in Art. Giannis demonstrates in the following video how he creates art sculptures. Watch the video how he created his Atlas art sculpture.


About the artist…

Giannis Dendrinos was born in 1978 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and lived there until the age of 12. He studied in Athens to be an automation technician (2003), and then art restoration (2006). Self-taught in metal sculpture, he lives and works in Athens -where he has his workshop since 2000- both as an artist and an automation technician.
The raw material he uses for his artworks is industrial metallic spare parts. The subjects that inspire him are either human-centered, such as motherhood, or connected to the nature of the material he uses, originating from the contemporary industrial society. His work focuses on the position and relation of Man with the modern society he lives in, as well as the contradiction between human nature and the automated society. He lives in Athens, Greece. He is the father of 2 daughters.

For any information, contact me by mail: dendrinosyan@hotmail.com or by phone: +306939832608

Find out more about Giannis’s work

View more of my artworks on Saatchi art


Where I find my inspiration? 

My inspiration have been the natural environment of African landscape and the primitive way of life. My father’s metal workshop where I used to spend many hours playing are the basic reasons that led me to metal sculpture. I mostly use engine’s spare parts. They provide me with shapes and forms which I weld, grind, polish and finally varnish. I feel that I always have something new to discover. Every new invention leads to new ideas and creations. Using parts is about constructing, assembling, disassembling. Try the infinite possibilities of combining various objects to form abstract art. This spire sculpture is a combination of abstract and industrial art.

My current themes are mostly humanoid. As am attempt to show the fragile nature of mankind through the birth cycle, the creation process, motherhood, love. On the other side, I experience metal sculpture as a game and revive my need to play by creating vehicles such as motorbikes, cars and trains.

The strong needs of an individual to explain his existence. To seek his origins and the power of the mind are themes that fascinate me. A challenge for me would be in creating huge metal sculptures involving movement in order to create kinetic sculptures (kinetic art). I admire kinetic artists such as Jean Tinguely, Alexander Calder and classic sculptors such as Henry Moore, David Smith. My goal through my artwork is to convey the way I experience life and my exploration of art by using an industrial material which is being transformed to an unusual medium in Art.


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Art sculptures for sale https://everythinginart.com/art-sculptures-for-sale/ https://everythinginart.com/art-sculptures-for-sale/#respond Sun, 25 Aug 2019 08:16:41 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=31122 Art sculptures for sale

Amazing art metal sculptures by artist Giannis Dendrinos

Find amazing art sculptures for sale by Greek living artist Giannis Dendrinos. Giannis has created more than 300 artworks using metal scrap recycled materials. His art focuses in Science-fiction, steampunk transportation, motherhood and abstract.

1- Science-fiction artworks and futuristic artworks

Giannis has created various futuristic artworks inspired by science-fiction movies. Such as the Borg cube in star-trek series.


sci-fi Art sculptures for sale

Star trek Borg-cube metal art sculpture

sci-fi Art sculptures for sale

Star trek Borg-cube metal art sculpture

sci-fi Art sculptures for sale

sci-fi Art cyborg for sale

sci-fi Art sculptures for sale

Spaceship sculpture



















View more science-fiction artworks by Giannis

For custom creations contact the artist: dendrinosyan@hotmail.com

Did you know? 

FuturismFuturism, Italian Futurismo, Russian Futurizm, early 20th-century artistic movement centred in Italy that emphasized the dynamism, speed, energy, and power of the machine and the vitality, change, and restlessness of modern life.

2- Transportation artworks and vehicles

Giannis passion for creating vehicles, cars, trains, motorcycles, airplanes and spaceships is directly related to the nature of the material he uses. As Giannis uses scrap metal parts, these parts have shaped and forms that are related to transportation means. Inspired by Science-fiction movies such as Mad Max and the steampunk movement, he has created many metal vehicles artworks.


Plane metal art sculptures for sale

Plane metal art sculptures for sale

Art sculptures for sale

Art sculptures for sale

metal art train sculpture

train metal sculpture made by visual artist Yiannis Dendrinos

For custom creations contact the artist: dendrinosyan@hotmail.com


3- Abstract metal sculptures

Abstract metal sculptures created by Giannis were inspired by an exhibition called “Circle”. He aimed in expressing the form of the circle in an abstract way. He wanted to express how the circle is involved in perception of every day life.


Art sculptures for sale

Abstract art sculptures for sale









Abstract Art sculptures for sale

Abstract Art sculptures for sale

Abstract Art sculptures for sale

Abstract Art sculptures for sale


View more abstract sculptures by Giannis

For custom creations contact the artist: dendrinosyan@hotmail.com

4- Figurative art

Many of his sculptures are figures and man-shaped sculptures. As every artist, Giannis is attempting to reshape metal parts into humanoid figures. Robotic humanoids or half-robot, half-man, mothers and child are his attempt to form a relationship between humans and our high-tech futuristic world. Again, inspired by science-fiction movies of his youth such as Alien, Star wars and robotic age of the 80’s, Giannis has created many sculptures representing the human form.

For custom creations contact the artist: dendrinosyan@hotmail.com

View more figurative metal art sculptures by Giannis

Motherhood metal art sculpture

Motherhood metal art sculpture

metal sculpture hug

metal sculpture hug

motherhood art metal sculpture

motherhood art metal sculpture

motherhood art metal sculpture

motherhood art metal sculpture

Sculpture, an artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional art objects. The designs may be embodied in freestanding objects, in reliefs on surfaces, or in environments ranging from tableaux to contexts that envelop the spectator.
The Four Sculpture Types

Sculptures fall into four basic categories: molded, cast, carved or assembled. The media an artist uses for molded sculptures include clay, wax, papier-mache and plaster. Cast sculptures involve modeling the sculpture, then making a mold and casting it in a metal or other medium.

The most important function of Greek sculpture was to honor gods and goddesses. Statues were placed in temples or were carved as part of a temple. Sculptors described their figures in as natural and exact a way as possible.
Historically, the five main fine arts were painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and poetry, with performing arts including theatre and dance.
Sculpture functions as an integral part of many ceremonies and events. Often unnoticed, it gives us a visual reference for our emotional experiences throughout the passages of life. Tombstones, for example, are a form of sculpture commemorating death, a universal event.
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3D panels wall art https://everythinginart.com/3d-panel-wall-art-for-sale/ https://everythinginart.com/3d-panel-wall-art-for-sale/#respond Sun, 18 Aug 2019 10:00:22 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=31049 3D panels wall art

Acoustic panels as wall art decoration


In this article, we introduce WoodBlocker’s creator 3D panels wall art decorations that serve also as sound diffusers. 3D wall panels wall art made of wood offer a great visual effect and at the same time a useful function in absorbing unnecessary sounds.

What is a 3D wall panels with sound absorbing properties?

3d πάνελ τοίχου

3D wall panels

A sound-absorbing panel in a room makes what nature makes to noise in the open air. Our ears receive sound waves that are reflected on many surfaces, such as trees, rocks, and even buildings. We can hear a whistle from 100 meters or more, but with all the bounce and resonance, we can’t often determine the kind, the direction and the distance of this sound.

The different surface heights of a sound diffuser or absorber are designed so that a sound wave from any direction beats and is diverted evenly in multiple directions. It allows a natural softening and termination of sound resonance. This is achieved in a room, removing the feeling of being deprived of sound life. A sound diffuser also helps to create permanent waves and filter out the range of all sounds. It can be designed to cover any frequency range from very low bandwidth to high bandwidth.

To help you deliver vital room sound, a sound diffuser absorbs sound but confronts the echo and disrupts the coordination around a room, bringing it to life, as does nature. The room does not sound dead or hollow. It can even make a small room look large. They can be mounted on walls opposite to speakers and even on ceilings. 3D panels wall art are an important addition to any room to improve tuning and perception. In short, they aim to improve the acoustics of a space.


Wall decoration

3d πάνελ τοίχου

3D wall panelsAt the same time, 3D wall panels are decorative. 3D wall panels manufactured by Woodblocker are made from 100% eco-friendly materials from various types of wood and painted with water-based varnishes. They are made in different versions and colors, with a wide variety of wood and in different patterns to choose the right one for your space.

WoodBlocker can customize to any size to suit your needs. Contact him for more information

wood blocker logo

WoodBlocker all rights reserved

by mail to moker.1972@yahoo.gr

by phone +306939832608


View all 3D wall panels available for sale

WoodBlocker is selling on saatchiart.com

Watch a video of 3D sound panels

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Wall art sound diffuser for sale https://everythinginart.com/wall-art-sound-diffuser-for-sale/ https://everythinginart.com/wall-art-sound-diffuser-for-sale/#respond Sat, 17 Aug 2019 14:41:10 +0000 https://everythinginart.com/?p=30978 Wall art sound diffuser for sale

Sound diffusers for modern wall decoration made in Greece

WOODBLOCKER is a craftsman based in Athens,Greece who creates wall art sound diffuser for sale. Sound diffusers are extremely stylish wall art decors with abstract patterns as well. They are excellent modern decorations for home, living room, office and any space.

Woodblocker has a modern workshop and manufactures high quality sound diffusers or sound absorbing wooden panels. He can build a sound diffuser depending your needs fitting in any surface you have available in your space. Furthermore, he offers a wide range of decorative patterns.

View more wall decorations that act as sound diffusers by WoodBlocker in our section 3D Wall Absorbers.

What are wall art sound diffusers used for?

In short words, they have 2 properties. The first one is decorative. The latter is functional as they allow the uneven sounds to diffuse into space.


What do diffusers offer and why installing one in your space?

Wall art sound diffusers and wood panels are used in large areas to deal with sound deviations, such as echo. They are an excellent alternative to the lack of sound insulation. Alternatively, they complete the sound absorption because they do not remove the sound energy. They can be used in order to effectively reduce various echoes and reflections. They give a lively sound feel into a room. A diffuser will stimulate sound energy in many directions, making the sound feel smoother.


What are the advantages?

Diffusers are 100% eco-friendly because they are made of wood.

They offer positive acoustic properties especially in large spaces.

They are extremely tasteful wall decorations.

They offer a modern and abstract feeling in your space.

They are produced in many different patterns.

They remind of 3D wall sculptures.

They have a very long lifespan since wood is very durable.

They are resistant and clean without damage. (compared to a canvas)

They are easily installed in walls.



You can contact WOODBLOCKER

by mail to moker.1972@yahoo.gr

by phone at +306939832608


References and examples

Diffusion of audio and acoustics – wikipedia

Wall art sound diffuser for sale on Saatchiart.com

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